Business Model of AUTOBACS SEVEN Group

The core of our business is related to AUTOBACS business within Japan. We operate franchises that provide for customers in need of car parts, car- related installations and replacements. Of course, we all provide car inspections and maintenance services.
In addition, we have taken the knowledge and human resources we acquired through our domestic business to expand globally. Our business includes car dealerships, BtoB and online sales.

Domestic AUTOBACS Business

A comprehensive specialty retailer of automotive
goods and services that boasts Japan’s largest sales

In the Domestic AUTOBACS Business, we operate stores including AUTOBACS which is a comprehensive specialty retailer of automotive goods and services that boasts Japan’s largest sales as a franchise chain (FC). As of March 31, 2024, we operate 1,003 stores (including 11 directly managed stores) nationwide.
The Company always aim to operate our business from the customer’s perspective by performing the following three functions: Merchandise Procurement to purchase various merchandise including automotive goods and services from around the world as AUTOBACS franchise chain headquarters, Sales Promotion to increase the awareness and value of AUTOBACS to end users, and Consulting to support sales by providing management and store operation consulting and headquarters planning.

Store Support within the FC System

Sales and marketing support We have assigned more than 100 store supervisors to area operation departments in 12 areas nationwide to support the planning and implementation of store reforms.
Human resources training support/certified mechanic dispatch We provide support for on-the-job training and human resource development plans at stores, as well as hold training sessions for store executives. Through our subsidiary, Chain Growth Co., Ltd., we train certified mechanics and dispatch them within AUTOBACS chain.
Customer Voice Program (CVP) Since fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, we have begun full-scale operation of a program to collect feedback from customers who use our stores in the form of questionnaires, and link it to improvements in customer service, merchandise assortment, operations, product development, sales promotion, and facilities at each store. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we collected over 530,000 opinions from customers.

Overseas Business

Strengthening our business foundations mainly in ASEAN countries

In the Overseas Business, we have been putting emphasis on wholesale, in addition to operation of AUTOBACS stores mainly in ASEAN countries that continue to grow. In the wholesale business, we aim to expand revenue by developing the business with a sense of speed, enhancing partnerships through capital and business alliances with local major companies. In the retail and service business, we operate 109 stores in seven countries and regions (as of March 31, 2024), which sell automotive goods and services and provide maintenance services. Depending on the development status of automotive culture which is different in each country and region, we are operating the business, meeting customer needs, for example, a size of stores and merchandise lineup.

Wholesale Business

The AUTOBACS network of international retail stores function as showrooms effectively promoting the AUTOBACS brand. Leveraging this brand recognition, our wholesale operations have
developed in-house a range of Japanese quality products with carefully designed shelf planograms to grow the AUTOBACS global network of affiliated vendors and partners.

Retailing and Services Business


AUTOBACS overseas retail stores located throughout Asia and France provide quality automotive parts, accessories and maintenance services.

AUTOBACS supports local business through joint ventures, strategic alliances and capital investment to meet the needs of our customers.

Car Dealership, BtoB and Online Alliance Business

Cultivating future pillars of earnings

AUTOBACS Group is leveraging its collective strengths to develop its Imported Car Dealership Business, B-to-B Business and Internet Business as new growth-driving operations in areas which can be expected to generate synergies with domestic AUTOBACS businesses in the future.

Car Dealership Business

we sell new vehicles and provide services primarily to the general public in Japan. The Company develops the brands Audi and BYD throug AUTOBACS DEALER GROUP HOLDINGS Co., Ltd., our subsidiary to oversee the Car Dealership Business, and our second-tier subsidiaries.



2019年4月にディーラー事業を統括する子会社の株式会社オートバックス・ディーラーグループ・ホールディングスを設立。2021年4月にはAudi正規ディーラーを3拠点運営する株式会社TA インポートの全株式を取得し(当社の孫会社化)、社名を株式会社バックス・アドバンスに変更しました。また、2022年12月には、電気自動車メーカーであるBYDの日本法人BYD Auto Japan株式会社とディーラー契約を締結し、EV(電気自動車)の販売にも着手しました。新車・中古車の販売促進に加え、サービスの強化にも努めています

BtoB Business

We have two operations of the wholesale of merchandise as well as fleet services. Regarding the wholesale of merchandise, through subsidiaries CAP Style Co., Ltd. and HOT STUFF CORPORATION, we promote sales of wholesale automotive goods to DIY stores and car maintenance garages. We are also gradually expanding our wholesale business, which deals directly with other industries. We have been able to increase both the number of stores we handle and our results. Regarding fleet services, we carry out wholesale to corporate customers outside the AUTOBACS Group with the aim of capturing corporate demand, including the installation of safe driving support devices such as dashboard cameras for company cars owned by corporate customers. We are also strengthening our activities to build a maintenance network that is compatible with next-generation technology.

日産自動車とコラボレーション 車種別インテリアアイテムを製作


日産自動車との協業による車種専用アイテムの開発は、2021年11月「キックス コロンビアエディション※」、2022年12月「日産サクラ」、2023年3月「日産セレナ」と3車種で行っており、アイテムも順調に増加しています。

※ 日産自動車と総合アウトドアメーカーのコロンビアスポーツウェアジャパンが共同企画した特別仕様車

「AUTO IN車検・タイヤセンター ⼟浦店」新規オープン


車検をはじめ、タイヤ交換やオイル交換など、クルマのメンテナンスに特化した店舗として、「AUTO IN車検・タイヤセンター」を運営。2023年7月に新規出店として「AUTO IN車検・タイヤセンター 土浦店」をオープンいたしました。

Online Alliance Business

We are promoting the construction of platforms that will lead to the expansion of both the BtoC and BtoB businesses, using the Internet. AUTOBACS. COM, AUTOBACS official app, and brick-and-mortar stores work together to provide customers with automotive goods and services. We are also collaborating with various companies and organizations, both within and outside the AUTOBACS Group, to increase the speed of our entry into the ever-expanding EC market.







法人向けに、スマートフォンアプリやPCで、運転日報や運行管理、車検満了日などを一括管理できるクラウド型社用車管理システムを提供しています。クラウド型携帯アルコールチェッカー「ALCクラウド」と連携すれば、アルコールチェッシートバックポケット(運転席・助手席) ク検知器による酒気帯び確認の義務化にも対応が可能です。

Other Business

Lifestyle Business

As the experience of cars is diversifying, we are working to enhance our brand value by proposing a new car experience which is different from the conventional AUTOBACS brand through our lifestyle-oriented brands GORDON MILLER.

GORDON MILLER MOTORS launched the GMLVAN S-01 subcompact camper

The GORDON MILLER MOTORS vehicle label of the garage lifestyle brand GORDON MILLER plans, manufactures, and sells campers focusing on functionality. The third model, the S-01 subcompact camper, has also been well received and continues to enjoy substantial sales.

Expansion Business
