Long-Term Vision “Beyond AUTOBACS Vision 2032”
「Beyond AUTOBACS Vision 2032」では、2032年度を目標年度としオートバックスセブングループの進化の方向性を示しています。 パーパス「社会の交通の安全とお客様の豊かな人生の実現」への貢献に向けた取り組みを、迅速、果断な意思決定によって推進するとともに、お客様と社会にとってなくてはならない企業グループを目指します。
Changes in the Business Environment
-Greater interest in the environment
-Diversification of customer needs and purchasing behavior
-Advancement in automobile maintenance and shortage of certified mechanics
-Increase in connected cars
-Popularization of autonomous vehicles
-Shift from car ownership to car sharing
-Shift to carbon neutrality
Dedicated towards providing you the joy of going out

Consolidated net sales: from ¥236.2 billion in FY2022 to ¥500 billion in FY2032

2024 Medium-term Business Plan "Accelerating Towards Excellence"
2024年度から2026年度を計画期間とする2024 中期経営計画「Accelerating Towards Excellence」では、長期ビジョンを達成するための新たな方向性、3つの戦略骨子および9つの重点施策を策定いたしました。「Accelerating Towards Excellence」を着実に推進し、加速度的な成長を目指します。
Aim to provide “Mobility Lifestyle Infrastructure” for our customers on a global scale
1. Changing to a structure that focuses on and enhancing retail and wholesale operations, two areas in which the AUTOBACS SEVEN Group excels*
2. Taking on challenges in peripheral areas in order to realize our long-term vision
3. Achieving stable returns for stakeholders while further increasing profit levels
*Transnational strategy for wholesale, multinational strategy for retail

Strategy to achieve the new direction
1.“Create touch points” to continue to support mobility lifestyles
<Key measures>
- Expand new bases, including new store openings, and expand channels (100 bases)
- Establish new online marketplaces
- Develop new services that solve social issues
2.“Develop and supply products and solutions” tailored to mobility lifestyles
<Key measures>
- Expand wholesale sales channels by developing attractive products and solutions
- Strengthen competitiveness through supply chain management and consolidation of the AUTOBACS franchise chain headquarters
- Strengthen external sales by packaging private brand products, services, and sales support measures
3.“Establish new business domains” in response to changes in mobility lifestyles
<Key measures>
- Develop EV solutions business, whose market is expected to expand
- Handle sales and after-sales services for micromobility, etc.
- Form group subsidiaries with companies that have synergy with the Group’s existing businesses through horizontal and vertical integration
- Invest a cumulative total of 35.0 billion yen
- Policy on shareholder returns: Maintain stable dividend payment (annual dividends of 60 yen per share)

(held on May 10, 2024)