As a company that solves problems in local communities through its business, we are focused on developing human resources with specialized knowledge and skills. We recognize that the source of our ability to provide value to society lies in our human resources, and we will continue building a healthy workplace environment in which all of our employees can work with peace of mind.
In order to achieve the 2024 Medium-term Business Plan and improve the Group’s earning power with the foundation of a continuously growing organization and human resources, we have established the priority issues of “promotion of diversity and inclusion,” “human resource development,” “resourcing and talent management, visualization of human resources,” and “enhancement of engagement,” based on the three human resource policies of “maximization of human capital,” “transformation into an organization that creates innovation,” and “strategic allocation of human resources.”

We develop and implement various training programs by rank, age, and business in order for each and every one of our diverse human resources to develop their careers and maximize their potential. We also encourage employees to be proactive in their skill development by offering career training, setting up consultation services inside and outside the Company to support career autonomy, and providing a selfdevelopment subsidy system (cafeteria plan). In addition, we promote reskilling in the form of developing data utilization personnel and acquiring sales skills, etc. that can be utilized at AUTOBACS stores. Furthermore, we maintain data on human resources in the consolidated Group to visualize human resources for the purpose of human resource development and strategic personnel allocation.
As the future holders of management and executive positions, younger employees under the age of 30 are sent to external training. We develop human resources with a view to a wide range of business development such as management strategy, marketing, and accounting.
To ensure that employees gain a wide range of knowledge and experience, we conduct regular personnel transfers with a view toward job rotation. We have also established an internal job posting and free agent system so that employees who meet certain conditions can apply to work in positions they desire. We also offer specialist courses for employees who desire to further pursue their specialization.
In order to develop the next generation of management personnel for store subsidiaries who will play an important role in the Domestic AUTOBACS Business, which is the Groupʼs core business, we conduct training for store subsidiary company executives, headquarters Sales Department managers, etc.

In addition to in-house training, we have a cafeteria plan that offers around 160 courses, including correspondence courses from external organizations, as well as e-learning courses and public seminars. We provide subsidies of up to 100,000 yen a year per person to encourage employeesʼ voluntary career development efforts. We also offer rewards to those who acquire official qualifications designated by the Company.

As part of our efforts in line with the spread of telecommuting to promote work styles that are location independent, we have put a system in place in which employees can apply to adopt work styles that combine telecommuting from home, etc. and long-distance commuting to their assigned site, even if they are transferred or assigned to a job in an area that requires them to live away from home.
We work to curb long working hours and promote the use of annual paid leave so that employees can work energetically and maintain good physical and mental health. We have also introduced a system that can accommodate diverse work styles, such as flextime and telecommuting.
We have created Action Plans in accordance with the Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation.

Target (5.5) Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life |

Target (8.5) By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value |