AUTOBACS SEVEN Group Diversity Policy

Everyone is a core player.

The AUTOBACS SEVEN Group will continue to offer an environment where they can be brilliant.


We understand that, amid changes in circumstances surrounding business, development of organization and personnel will be the source to offer our value to society and would be key to the revitalization of our business. We therefore believe that the shift of the organization and personnel from homogeneity to diversity will provide the organization with a new perspective and help it achieve corporate growth.


We will develop a culture where employees with different attributes, such as nationality, gender, age and physical ability or disability, and with different backgrounds and values will respect, accept and value one another’s personality. We will strive to build an environment where individuals can display their potential and achieve growth.


1. Active participation and career advancement of diverse personnel

We will welcome and actively employ personnel with many different attributes and backgrounds. We will provide them with assignments and personal development after they join us. We will implement work-style reforms and support work-life balance to create an environment where they can display their potential and develop according to their personal life stages.


2. Increase in the percentage of female managers and diversification of career paths

In addition to creating a worker-friendly environment, we will give consideration to various life events and provide support for the career development of women. We will make known how attractive and rewarding the job of manager is and build an environment that motivates women to strive to achieve that position.


3. Comfortable environment for employees with disabilities

We will pay attention to any disabilities that individuals have and aim to create a workplace where everyone can work together without worries. We are constructing an environment where our employees have an accurate understanding of disabilities and where employees with disabilities can feel secure in their work.


4. Active participation and career advancement of middle-aged and elderly employees

We will provide middle-aged and elderly staff members with career training and re-skilling support, as well as aim to create an environment where they can maintain and promote health to help them work with good health and vigor. We will also foster a culture of developing, in which middle-aged and elderly employees play a core role in training of successor.


5. Support for diverse work styles

We will support employees who combine childcare, nursing care and other responsibilities with work. We will expand measures to support the work-life balance, raise awareness of related programs and aim to create an environment where any employee can work flexibly according to their life events.


6. Review on progress of diversity promotion

We will set a goal of promoting diversity and managing its progress. As for the qualitative aspect, we will carry out surveys of employees and others on a timely basis to monitor the level of their awareness.


7. Dissemination and education of policy

We define this policy as essential to corporate growth and will conduct awareness-raising activities and give education to develop the awareness that it is basic to all business activities.

Established on April 1, 2023


















Workplace Where Both Male and Female Employees Can Balance Childcare and Work



2022年3月期 2023年3月期 2024年3月期
女性の育児休業取得率 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
男性の育児休業取得率 37.1% 52.0%

Action Plans Based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace



Human Resources Data