Creative car lifestyle store that supports all of your car lifestyle
Number of domestic stores |
72 stores * As of the end of June 2024 |
Super AUTOBACS offers the best total car life in terms of products, services, facilities, and technology. The first store was opened in Chiba Prefecture in 1997 under the concept of "Thrills and Excitement" with an emphasis on entertainment. There are two types of Super AUTOBACS stores: a flagship store (Type I) with a trade area of around 20 km, and a large store (Type II) with a trade area of around 10 km, and they serve as flagship stores in various regions.
Super AUTOBACS stores are located in various regions and have a vast site, sales floor, and parking lot that are much larger than those of AUTOBACS stores, and offer a wide selection of products and highly desirable goods. The stores also offer statutory safety inspections and maintenance services, used car purchasing and sales, body repairing, and vehicle customization.